Please click on the arrow top left corner to open the menu of our Italy Tourist Attractions map showing suggested Italy destinations. By checking (or unchecking) the layers of this menu, you might be able to find on our Italy Travel Map:

Best Places to visit in Italy

Rome Florence Venice Milan

Things to do in Italy

Each layer can be expanded  to show the whole list of :

Best Cities to visit in Italy Italy Museums Italy Recreation
Small Towns to visit in Italy Italy Wine Country Country Spa Resorts
Italy Monuments Italy Shopping Italy Outdoor Activities

You might wish to view, when available, the embedded pictures and videos of each location opening this Map in a new window/tab (clicking the upper right hand square).

LargeCity Large City cathedral Monastery childmuseum Children’s Museum
MediumCity Medium City Castle Castle dinopark Dinopark
SmallTown Small Town Fortress Fortress Wall/Town Wall zoo Zoo
SandBeach Sand Beach Ruins Ancient Roman/Ancient Greek themepark Themepark
sight Specialized Museum aquarium Aquarium